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Capturing the Light Within...

Photography is about connections. It's the way you feel when your newborn snuggles against your chest. Or your child smiles at you. It's about the giggles still ringing in your ears. And about love. These are the connections that sustain us, that tug at our heart strings. And Bellepoq Photography is here to capture them all...

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If you would like to book an appointment call me at (502)523-1987 or e-mail me at

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Girl

She is my youngest. Her mind knows no limits. Neither does her creativity. She challenges me. And I constantly have to remind myself that she is 5. Not 15. She will soon be too old for pictures and butterfly kisses. But for now she is mine. Spontaneous and full of laughter. And I plan to take advantage of every second...

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1 comment:

Julia Cotrim said...

gente do céu, que que é isso pode me explicar? sem contar com a faceirice de nossa Diana, seus olhos deram um click certo em cada foto, em cada pose, em cada gesto e é isso o que mais gosto em seu trabalho... seu coração está lá, o tempo todo, batendo descompassado e feliz! lov u!